Monday, October 31, 2005

My Favorite Actors and Actresses

OK, here is my list of my favorite actors and actresses. By the way, can you say actress anymore. I am noticing a trend towards saying actor to refer to either sex. I have no problem with this, as it is correct but I wonder if the trend will further evolve to the use of Mankind or other generic terms. I think that unless one is simpleminded, most people understand the use of the male term to represent both sexes. I suspect some know-it-alls over the past 30 years thought they would eliminate bigotry or encourage women into male dominated fields by the use of different terms. All the women I know are perfectly capable without the help of these social engineers.

Oh, well on to the list. These are my favorite, not necessarily the best. Could be a longer list but I limited it. By far the best of all time is Jimmy Stewart, but for recent years:

My Favorite Male Actors:

1. Tom Hanks-he’s the everyman
2. Steve Carel
3. Kenneth Branaugh-great actor that brought the love of Shakespeare to the big screen.
4. Pierce Brosnan-I want to be like him. 007
5. Mike Myers-adolescent humor but brilliant-Austin Powers Rules
6. Patrick Stewart-make it so!
7. Russell Crowe-great actor whatever you think of him
8. Sean Bean-cool dude
9. Nicholas Cage-another everyman
10. Alan Rickman-underrated
11. Denzel Washington-great actor
12. Johnny Depp-weird but talented
13. Michael J. Fox-born same day as me
14. Jim Carrey-talented in many ways

My Favorite Female Actresses:

1. Kate Beckinsale-smart, and very pretty, marry me now!
2. Gwyneth Paltrow-Beautiful, smart, and classy
3. Angelina Jolie-Beautiful and not a bad actress, wow those lips
4. Ashley Judd-beautiful and smart
5. Reese Witherspoon-great actress, great person
6. Emma Thompson-used to be married to Kenneth Branaugh
7. Dakota Fanning-young but very talented
8. Catherine Zeta Jones-a natural beauty

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