Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Kids are Bored

It's a rainy Sunday and the kids are bored. We were going to cut down a Christmas tree today, but the awful rain (and thunder) is keeping us from completing our task. I don't really want to take them to a movie right now. I do think they would enjoy the movies Zathura and the new Harry Potter Movie. I am concerned the new HPM has inappropriate stuff for young kids. I'll have to investigate that a little more first. Ah the TV is a good baby sitter sometimes (Disney Channel). I tried books, board games, you know, still bored. We did decorate the house as much as possible without the tree, but that lasted only an hour. Little do they know I am having one of those people come next week and decorate the outside of the house. I don't like to climb up on the roof and I really don't like taking down the lights when it is really cold in another month. It's going to be really cool!