Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Here is a salute to all the men and women who have lost their lives serving in the military of United States of America. This Memorial Day we remember their sacrifice. Without those willing to put thier lives on the line, none of us would be living in freedom. We would not be able to raise our children the way we see fit. We could not practice our professions and persue our dreams. We would not be able to go to church and worship God. We could not speak our minds freely. --Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom to live--Freedom. There are constantly forces trying to take freedom and Liberty away from us to suit their own selfish aims. These forces must be resisted, not only once, but in every generation. Thank you Veterans. We will not forget those who sacrificed for us. God Bless you all.

"Greater love hath no man than this,that a man lay down his life for his friend"-John 15:13

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Green City?

Well, Huntsville, Alabama has been voted the ninth greenest city in the country.The Green Guide That's ahead of Denver, Seattle, and Anchorage. Although there is still a lot of work to be done, Huntsville does make an effort. As I look out my window, I see a large swath of Monte Sano mountain that is part of the Huntsville Land Trust. That's a mainly private group that buys up land to keep it for hiking trails etc. and keep away development. I like that way of keeping development away from the areas you would like to see remain green. It's fair to the land owners, etc. I would really like to see more homes have solar panels. Not the black boxes that heat water, but actual solar cells that convert sunlight to electricity. I may install some this year if I can figure out where to get them and how well they hold up under the sometimes harsh weather conditions around here.

In general there should be more solar and wind power. They still do not provide the power the country will need in the future even if adopted widely. We really need something like nuclear power. Improved technology there would help. Hey I know what you are thinking. Well, would you rather burn coal? ship oil across the seas then burn that? How are you going to power the fuel cell everybody is talking about for their hydrogen powered cars? Oh, I can just plug it in, well, that power comes from somewhere. You are going to have to do something till we eventually get Fusion-(many generations probably). I think synthetic fuels from coal gasification and other sources can reduce our dependance on foreign oil in the mean time. One more thing, I like the idea of hybrid cars, especially the recouping of energy when braking, but when you really look at it the actual energy used in the life cycle of the car, plus the additional cost up front makes them non-economical and not a net energy saver. See here:Study says Hybrids Consume more Energy than non-hybrid vehicles

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pediatric Dentistry Blog Takes Off

Well, you may notice the links to my dental blog. I have just posted my 33rd post. I don't know how I keep coming up with topics. You would think there would only be a few things of interest to the public. My site meter allows me to see what search topics people use when they find my blog...all kinds of questions. Well, if you happen to stumble accross this blog, please check out my professional blog here:Pediatric Dentistry
I add a new post every few days. There has been a big jump in the amount of visits to the site the last month. I think the more I post, the more people visit. "If you build it , they will come".

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cute Overload!

Check out this neat site with the link on the sidebar. It's Cute Overload. Here is one of the photos you'll find there:

Friday, February 03, 2006

Michael Yon - Reports from the War

I have read many other web logs from soldiers and some of these have been made into books. I think this is one of the best sites out there. Michael Yon is an embed journalist with the "deuce four" (24th Infantry regiment in Iraq). He is a former Green Beret. He makes reports as he sees it. There are also photos real time of the events on which he reports. I have read a few other books and sites like these and I am always amazed at the bravery of these men. Some of these dispatches are very gripping and you will be on the edge of your seat. Some have pictures in which you will say "is that actually happening as I see it?" Some of the reports are long and relate rather mundane events which eventually tie together later in the story, so stick with it. He has had some of these photos and stories submitted for a Pulitzer Prize. These are real American heros:

Michael Yon Online

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Kate Beckinsale

Well as you can see from my list of favorite actresses and my link on the sidebar, I am probably the world's biggest fan of Kate Beckinsale. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Not only is she very pretty, she exudes all the kinds of attributes I find attractive. She is a great actress. Her success will continue to increase and she is just now beginning to be properly appreciated. She is well educated and bright. She was born in England attended Oxford university and has a wonderful English accent that makes me melt when I hear it. She has one child. She recently married the director of one of her movies. In a recent interview with David Letterman promoting her movie, she handled herself quite well. She not only looked great, she communicated smoothly, smartly, and with a sense of humor. She gave quite the attention to her host. I only wish she could look at me with such attentive eyes. Oh to dream! Ha!
Here are a few other photos I really like:

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Famous people born the same year as me:

Princess Dianna-unfortunately deceased
Michael J. Fox-developed Parkinson's Disease
Wayne Gretsky-retired

Hmmm. I'm older than I think...