Many of the preliminary speakers were very good. Particularly the female Gov. of Hawaii--her memorable line: "Obama is a "Zero" as in zero executive experience, etc. etc. etc.
1. Mitt Romney: good speech, but uninspiring
2. Mike Huckabee: great speech -the hall was much quieter (attentive), much more heartfelt and effective
3. Rudy Giuliani: A real barnburner of a speech--really got the crowd going--harsh contrasts between McCain & Obama--the excitement level increased greatly during the speech--lots of cheering!
4. Sarah Palin: Out of the park speech. After the three previous speakers she knocked a grand slam. The McCain/republican staffers around the hall were trying to to cut off the cheering to get on with the speech (to get more of it into prime time--very hard task as people were in a frenzy of cheering yelling and support. So loud I could not even hear some of her words. An absolute "electric" charge throughout the hall. One of the most amazing scenes I have ever witnessed. John McCain came out at the end, but I tell you he will have a tall order to follow this night. Oh, one more thing if that was not enough--the tele-prompter failed half way through the speech. She finished without it.
The roll call started with our delegation--

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