In general there should be more solar and wind power. They still do not provide the power the country will need in the future even if adopted widely. We really need something like nuclear power. Improved technology there would help. Hey I know what you are thinking. Well, would you rather burn coal? ship oil across the seas then burn that? How are you going to power the fuel cell everybody is talking about for their hydrogen powered cars? Oh, I can just plug it in, well, that power comes from somewhere. You are going to have to do something till we eventually get Fusion-(many generations probably). I think synthetic fuels from coal gasification and other sources can reduce our dependance on foreign oil in the mean time. One more thing, I like the idea of hybrid cars, especially the recouping of energy when braking, but when you really look at it the actual energy used in the life cycle of the car, plus the additional cost up front makes them non-economical and not a net energy saver. See here:Study says Hybrids Consume more Energy than non-hybrid vehicles